Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Monsoon cover-up at Chiang Mai market

On my last day in Chiang Mai, I returned to the Sunday Walking Street, where I scoured the stalls for more used clothing. There was a brief monsoon rain during the market, which only added to the experience; as the dark clouds rolled over the distant hillside and toward the city, all the vendors frantically packed up their goods and covered things in tarps, buckling down the hatches, I think we'd say. When the rains came, they were intense and brief, and everyone huddled in doorways and under awnings. Then, 20 minutes later, the rain had passed, and the stalls were uncovered again and commerce recommenced.
Later that evening, I took a night bus back to Bangkok. I had accidently chosen the last seat in the back of the bus, but it turned out to be a great decision. It was a bench seat and no one else was sitting there, so I was able to lay out entirely horizontal for the 10 hour journey. I slept quite well (with my new earplugs), and was only awoken for several bleary bathroom breaks in unknown, florescent-lit bus stations with squat toilets. In one 3 a.m. stop, I was even conscious enough to stock up on bulk tamarind candy and sugar coated peanuts (my two favorite Thailand snacks), although when I woke up in Bangkok with the bag of food next to me, I had almost forgotten that I had purchased it.
Back in Bangkok, I returned to my apartment, took a shower, did some laundry, ate breakfast, and then headed straight back to the same bus station to board a bus for Khao Yai National Park.

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