Saturday, September 13, 2008

I really can't end my discussion of Cambodia without mentioning my trip back to the Thai border. My luck had evidently run out, and the dirt road was now a muddy mess, with sometimes dozens of cows being herded slowly down the center. Much of the time, we were driving at about 5 mph, with some hydroplaning and spinning of tires. All the cabs in Cambodia are Toyota sedans--I think that Toyota should film its next commercial in Cambodia; it would really burst all of our American associations with Toyotas as a safe "family" car, giving Subaru or Jeep a run for their money. These photos are the best articulation of my border journey.
Perhaps the most hilarious part of this ride, though, was that the other passenger and I managed to stonewall the cab driver. We had bought our ticket through a local travel agency, and they had told us that, so far, they only had 3 passengers, so we might each have to pay $3 extra if they didn't have a forth one by the time the cab left Siem Reap. This deal was written on our ticket. However, once we were in the cab, myself and a tiny Korean woman were told that it was just the two of us, and therefore we had to pay an extra $4 each. We told him that $3 was written on our ticket and we were not going to pay more. The driver repeatedly asked for $4 while we were driving, but the other woman and I just sat silently with our arms crossed, stonyfaced, staring back at the driver. Finally, he relented, and we paid the agreed upon $3. Yeay for solidarity.

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