Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Just a quick note. Last night I was watching a really aweful movie at a theatre in Bangkok (I won't mention the name of the movie; it's too shameful). About halfway through the film, a rat jumped into my friends lap, and when he flinched, it lept into my own lap, scurrying across my arm and down the asile. We were nearly the only people in the theatre, but we both jumped out of our seats and gave a little yelp. Eventually, we decided just to stick it out through the rest of the movie with our legs curled up to our chests in our seats. I take for granted that there are rats everywhere, in every city, and it's not really a big deal. I just read yesterday that in a particularly poor area of India, they are encouraging the residents to eat the local rats to ease food shortages. I guess the rats eat their rice supply, so eating the rats themselves would be achieving two goals at once--less hunger and fewer pests. However, I cannot imagine what provoked the rat in the theatre to jump onto us; neither of us had food. I can still feel the little claws as they dug into my arm.

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