Friday, August 8, 2008

photo of James Bond Island, Phang Nga Marine National Park

After our first night in Krabi town, we rented vespas to visit some sights around Krabi. This was probably the most fun I have had on my trip. We took rural roads to remote national parks and wats (temples). The vespas were only $4.50 for the entire day, plus $3 to gas them up. This mode of transportation gave me a feeling of freedom that I had not yet experienced. Up until this point, it was necessary that I take public transportation, which limited my level of immersion in my surroundings. On vespas, we were traveling like the locals, stopping along the road to take photos and grab a bite of questionable looking street food. When we were caught in a quick monsoon rain, we only had to pull into one of the yellow huts along the road and wait it out. Thais develop a lot patience with these rains; they pace the day, giving it a tempo. Nothing happens during the rain; all movement comes to a halt.

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